We shoe children from the Nizhyn center.
By the summer, boys and girls living in the Nizhyn Center for Social and Psychological Rehabilitation of Children need to change their shoes and change warm shoes for summer shoes.
And they do not ask for fashionable and expensive sneakers. They need simple flip-flops, light and practical, for children from 3 to 18 years.
Slipper sizes from 24 to 42 (for adult boys). In this case, the color, pattern and other details do not matter.
Importantly! These should be rubber flip flops (easy to wash) with an open toe.
Our goal is to buy 50 pairs of such flip-flops.
You can help by donating flip flops (brand new) or transferring any amount to purchase them.
The total cost of the project is UAH 3,720.
For additional information, call 096-228-34-84 (Bogdana).